
1984 2012 calendar 2013 calendar abstract aesthetics agnostic Alfred Glover Alfred Stieglitz Ansel Adams apollo aquinnah art art form art show artists' circle arts foundation back river barlow beacon street bicycles boston boston marathon bourne brewster brookline budapest cambridge cape cod canal Cape Neddick captain Kidd cat boat cataumet cataumet arts center chapoquoit chilmark Christ lutheran church climate change coolidge corner cotuit center county galway county mayo cranberry Desiree Davila doo lough easter eastham Edward Weston falmouth faust firenze florence freedom Geraldine Mills goethe green line harvard square harvest hen cove Henry Peach Robinson herreshoff highland light iran ireland japan kamaishi Kesennuma khorasan kittery point lough mask lough nafooey louisburgh Maine martha's vineyard Mary Colt menemsha minamisanriku mistakes monk's cove monument beach mounting a large print nauset light beach Ned Manter new bedford newcomb hollow newport Newtown nobska north falmouth nubble ofunato old silver beach orleans pamet river parker's boatyard patuisset persian rug philippines photography phusion pictorialism pienza pocasset privacy prometheus provincetown quissett quissett harbor boatyard red bicycle religion rikuzentakata robert manz robert manz studio roonagh Sandwich Shapiro skaket so big squibnocket studio suffering sunrise sunset surf drive thanksgiving the harvest theory truro tuscany umbrella val d'orcia village market vinci war wellfleet west falmouth west tisbury woods hole yamadamachi York
also visit my web site at



my religion

There is so much inside of me that is unfathomable.
There is so much outside of me that is unfathomable.
How do I understand something about these two domains and the relationship
between them ??

I think that anyone who pursues these questions is wise,
 and that anyone
who is sure that he/she has answered these questions is a fool.
Anyone who uses these questions to tell someone else what to do
is cruel.

Myself, I am a hopeful agnostic; I will be wondering about
these questions until I die.



May today's flow of waters bring you
many good things,
good moments,
good people.



"the water of life"

At this time of great tension I wish to say that the earth that gives us life
is more precious than any of us or any group of us, and that
our own existence depends completely on understanding
with love our connection to each other and the world and
universe around us.


"rock me, goddess, in the gentle arms of eden"

squibnocket, martha's vineyard

"..... I will lay my burden in the cradle of your grace,
and the shining beaches of your love,
and the sun of your embrace"
~Dave Carter


remembering Ned Manter,

a Facebook page in Ned's memory
has been established by his family here
 Ned Manter memorial facebook page

a great photographic artist,
for whom this was an enchanted place

Monk's Cove, Bourne


mystic's sunset


I saw a sunset at chapoquoit last night that would make a mystic of any of us.



Cedar in Ice, Hen Cove

Look at the Sun, Falmouth

The Last House, Black Beach

Space, North Falmouth

Sailing in Paradise, Pocasset

On Surf Drive, Falmouth

Beach Day's End, Chapoquoit

Yellow Bicycle, Woods Hole

Cat Boat Restoration, Quissett

Sea of Diamonds, Woods Hole

Hen Cove at Sunset, Pocasset

A Winter Walk, Chapoquoit

Although 2012 is only one month old, it is time for me to start the 2013 calendar.
I have talked to the printer, and I will go see him in a few weeks.
Here are the pictures I think I will use.
I hope you like them.