
1984 2012 calendar 2013 calendar abstract aesthetics agnostic Alfred Glover Alfred Stieglitz Ansel Adams apollo aquinnah art art form art show artists' circle arts foundation back river barlow beacon street bicycles boston boston marathon bourne brewster brookline budapest cambridge cape cod canal Cape Neddick captain Kidd cat boat cataumet cataumet arts center chapoquoit chilmark Christ lutheran church climate change coolidge corner cotuit center county galway county mayo cranberry Desiree Davila doo lough easter eastham Edward Weston falmouth faust firenze florence freedom Geraldine Mills goethe green line harvard square harvest hen cove Henry Peach Robinson herreshoff highland light iran ireland japan kamaishi Kesennuma khorasan kittery point lough mask lough nafooey louisburgh Maine martha's vineyard Mary Colt menemsha minamisanriku mistakes monk's cove monument beach mounting a large print nauset light beach Ned Manter new bedford newcomb hollow newport Newtown nobska north falmouth nubble ofunato old silver beach orleans pamet river parker's boatyard patuisset persian rug philippines photography phusion pictorialism pienza pocasset privacy prometheus provincetown quissett quissett harbor boatyard red bicycle religion rikuzentakata robert manz robert manz studio roonagh Sandwich Shapiro skaket so big squibnocket studio suffering sunrise sunset surf drive thanksgiving the harvest theory truro tuscany umbrella val d'orcia village market vinci war wellfleet west falmouth west tisbury woods hole yamadamachi York
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After the storm the team was halfway through the Falmouth bogs off Carriage Shop Road.  This is such a long stretch of bog that the secrets of the trade are laid bare for the slowest of comprehension to see.  What becomes clear in these bogs is that there is simply not enough water to flood them all, so the work proceeds in steps, from top to bottom from high ground to low ground.  The sequence is -- flood the top two bogs, beat the berries in the first, and move on to the second.  As the berries are gathered in the first, release the water slowly and flow into the third.  When the beaters are done the second, they move to the third, the gatherers move to the second, and so it goes.

There are fifteen segments to the large Falmouth bog and the crew was there for seven days.  Two segments a day.  Flood, remove sprinklers, beat, gather with the boom, pump, haul, drain.  This is the cycle.  This was done twice a day for a week.  For the first three days it was done in constant rain.  For the last four days the sun was shining in glory.

Seeker of Light

Berry Hop

Water Work